Focusing Your Internship Search

Since you already have taken time to determine which type of internships you are applying for, you should have an idea of what you are looking to apply to.

If you do not have any prior fashion internship experience, focus on applying for opportunities with smaller brands to gain experience for your resume. While an internship with a major fashion brand may seem more exciting, they typically select candidates with previous experience. Now is the time to concentrate on gaining that experience so you can apply to those top-tier opportunities in the future.

Have some experience under your belt? Now is your time to score that name brand gig! Apply to a mix of smaller, but notable brands, as well as the more competitive brands.

Regardless of skill level, I always recommend applying to at least 10 internships every two weeks. It is a competitive job market, so cast a wide net! You got this.

Download my internship checklist below to help you along the way.

INTERNSHIP SEARCH CHECKLIST by Carla Isabel Carstens.pdf
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